FinTech台灣隊前進新加坡 匯聚10國地區力量共組亞洲金融科技聯盟

亞洲金融科技聯盟(Asia FinTech Alliance, AFA)於 2023 年 11 月 16 日在新加坡金融科技嘉年華(Singapore FinTech Festival, SFF)正式成立。 由亞洲 10 家金融科技協會成員簽署合作備忘錄,10 家創始成員包括臺灣金融科技協會、新加坡金融科技協會、日本 Elevandi Japan、韓國金融科技產業協會、菲律賓 Fintech Alliance.Ph、印尼金融科技協會、泰國金融科技協會、馬來西亞金融科技協會、香港金融科技協會和蒙古金融科技協會。

Asia FinTech Alliance (AFA) was officially launched at the Singapore FinTech Festival (SFF) 2023 on 16 November. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)  was inked by 10 AFA association members, including the Singapore Fintech Association, Elevandi Japan, Korea Fintech Industry Association, Fintech Alliance.Ph, Taiwan FinTech Association, Asosiasi Fintech Indonesia, Thai Fintech Association, Fintech Association of Malaysia, Fintech Association of Hong Kong, and Mongolian Fintech Association. 

亞洲金融科技聯盟在2023新加坡金融科技嘉年華上展開巡迴,首站是新加坡金融科技協會(Singapore FinTech Association, SFA)展館。Asia Fintech Alliance Booth Roadshow at the Singapore FinTech Festival 2023, starting with the SFA Booth.

菲律賓 Fintech Alliance.Ph. 創始主席 Mr. Lito Villanueva 表示:「協作是進步的核心。我們很驕傲成為亞洲金融科技聯盟創始成員之一,這是一個凝聚亞洲 10 家傑出金融科技協會創新力量的開創性聯盟。透過這種協同結盟方式,金融變革的潛力是無限的,我們將重新定義亞洲長期以來具包容性的金融科技未來」。


“Collaboration is the nucleus of progress. We are proud to be a part of the Asia FinTech Alliance, a pioneering and innovative force uniting 10 esteemed FinTech associations. With this synergy, the potential for financial transformation is boundless, and we are poised to redefine the future of sustainable and inclusive digital finance in Asia.” Lito Villanueva, Fintech Alliance Ph. Founding Chairman.

“Today marks a symbolic commencement. AFA has the potential to harness the collective strength of Asia and drive the next wave of the FinTech boom,” said Jaclyn Tsai, Honorary Chairwoman of the Taiwan FinTech Association. “Taiwan takes pride in being part of this endeavor and we vow to be a trustworthy and responsible ally to AFA.”

2023 新加坡金融科技嘉年華期間,10家金融科技協會在菲律賓展館簽署合作備忘錄。 10 FinTech associations MOU signing at the Philippines Pavilion during the Singapore FinTech Festival 2023.


根據這份合作備忘錄,10 家創始成員同意共同促進亞洲金融科技及數位支付的普惠與發展。亞洲金融科技聯盟是一個由成員主導、具獨立性和共同協作的組織,其動力來自於促進、加強合作並建立一個強大的金融科技生態系統,讓每個人都能受益。

韓國金融科技產業協會會長 Mr. Keunju Lee 說到:「我們非常興奮加入亞洲金融科技聯盟,與來自亞洲地區十個主要國家的代表共同努力。作為韓國金融科技產業協會會長,我對於所有創始成員透過密切分享見解並取得有效成果的協同效應感到樂觀。每家協會都帶來了成功的數位創新和應用案例,匯集大家的知識,我們將在金融科技領域取得重大進步。」

蒙古金融科技協會執行長 Ms.  Byambasuren Myagmartseren 也表示:「很榮幸我們協會代表蒙古金融科技產業加入這個具重要意義的亞洲金融科技聯盟。金融科技產業一直在創新變革領域中佔領先地位,我們與 10 家來自各國及地區的金融科技協會合作,致力創造一個促進永續成長的協作環境。我們共同塑造金融科技的新未來,並確保它惠及每個人」。

Under the MOU, the 10 association members agree to jointly promote financial inclusion, digital payments, developments of financial technology, and financial literacy in Asia. The inception of the AFA, a member-driven, independent, and collaborative organization, is driven by the imperative to foster enhanced cooperation and build a strong FinTech ecosystem where everyone can benefit. 

“It is with great excitement that we join the Asia FinTech Alliance, alongside representatives from ten key countries across the Asian region. As President of the Korea Fintech Industry Association, I am optimistic about the synergies for the effective outcomes that we can achieve by closely sharing insights. Each country brings a wealth of successful digital innovations and use cases, and by pooling our knowledge, we stand to make significant advancements in the fintech sectors.” Keunju Lee, President at Korea Fintech Industry Association. 

“I am honored to join the Asia FinTech Alliance and represent the FinTech industry in this important initiative. The FinTech industry is at the forefront of innovation, and we are committed to working with the 10 esteemed FinTech associations to foster a collaborative environment that promotes responsible and sustainable growth,“ said Byambasuren Myagmartseren, CEO at Mongolia Fintech Association. ”Together, we can shape the future of finance and ensure that it benefits everyone.” 

2023年11月16日晚,AFA代表慶祝亞洲金融科技聯盟正式成立。 AFA representatives celebrated the launch of Asia Fintech Alliance at the mixer party on 16 November.

AFA 展望未來,努力成為亞洲金融科技領域突破性進步的主要動力之一。 憑藉10 家來自亞洲各國的協會及組織綜合優勢,AFA將致力於利用最先進的技術積極地為金融科技變革做出貢獻,這不僅為經濟帶來令人振奮的變化,更將提升整體亞洲地區人民生活水平。


AFA envisions a future where its joint effort becomes one of the major driving forces behind groundbreaking advancements in the FinTech landscape of Asia. With the combined strengths of the 10 esteemed association members, AFA is geared to contribute to positive financial transformation with the most advanced technologies that not only bring uplifting change to economies but also enhance the lives of people across the region. 

AFA invites all like-minded partners and FinTech enthusiasts to participate in its initiative, deepening collaboration and igniting excellence in FinTech. Together, we stand at the forefront of a new era in finance and the potential is as limitless as our collective imagination.



關於 AFA


AFA 由新加坡、臺灣、南韓、日本、香港、菲律賓、泰國、印尼、馬來西亞和蒙古等 10 個國家和地區的重要金融科技協會聯合發起成立,旨在透過新技術促進金融創新,增強金融科技生態系統的發展,並促進亞洲及其他地區監管環境的良好發展。

請造訪 AFA 官方網站www.asiafintechalliance.comLinkedIn以了解更多資訊。


About AFA

The Asia FinTech Alliance (AFA) is a member-driven, independent, and collaborative organization igniting FinTech excellence and shaping the future of finance across Asia.

Jointly initiated and launched by prominent Fintech associations of 10 countries and regions, including Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, and Mongolia, AFA aims to foster further financial innovations with new technologies, enhance the growth of FinTech ecosystem, and facilitate the development of a supportive regulatory environment in Asia and beyond. 

Visit AFA’s official website or LinkedIn to learn more.

